Golf Digest - Do you know which eye is your dominant eye?
This month Jean-Jacques Rivet discusses the question of the dominant eye. We do not have the possibility to choose it or to change it, so...
Golf Digest - Connaissez vous votre œil directeur?
Ce mois ci Jean-Jacques Rivet aborde la question de l’œil directeur. Nous n'avons pas la possibilité de le choisir ni de le changer, il...
Golf Digest - Coil, don't turn
"Coil, don't turn ! Coiling differs from rotation in that it is associated with tensioning, a phenomenon highly searched in the golf...
Golf Digest - Coil, don't turn
"Coil, ne tourne pas ! Un message difficile a faire passer, par manque de mot dédié en français. Le coiling se distingue de la rotation...
JJ Rivet on Golf Digest
Episodes 2 and 3 of the series of articles co-written by JJ Rivet for Golf Digest (in English): - Less knee movement leads to more power...
JJ Rivet sur Golf Digest
Episodes 2 et 3 de la serie d'articles co-rédigés par JJ Rivet pour Golf Digest (en anglais) : - Less knee movement leads to more power...
Roberto Borgatti et l' "outil humain"
Roberto Borgatti, auteur de "A Swing You Can Trust", présente, via une vidéo et une interview avec JJ Rivet, le rôle du Biomecanicien,...
Roberto Borgatti and the "human tool"
Roberto Borgatti, author of "A Swing You Can Trust", presents, through a video and an interview with JJ Rivet, the role of the...
Le Biomecaswing : Technology at the service of the good motion
Golf azur Nice Matin presents the center, the concept, the tools ... Click on the cover to access the article:
Biomecaswing on Golfing World
Golfing World returns with JJ Rivet on the creation of the concept and its application with any type of player. Biomecaswing Performance...