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[Video] JJ Rivet at Championsgate with LGA KOREA

JJ Rivet had the pleasure last February to host the LGA KOERA at Championsgate.

This below the video filmed on the occasion, as well as their written return.

"Championsgate is one of the world's leading practice facilities and will prepare for next year's season and give a truly unique experience to the players' lives. Twenty-three major champions and seven world-ranked first-placed players took lessons to improve their performance at Championsgate. LGA Korea met JJ Rivet Biomechanics at the head of Championsgate Leadbetter. It provided an opportunity for our athletes to gain safety and power while understanding their body movements. ...

LGA Battery Training Program

LGA Korea has prepared three training options for each player.

1. Full-time program – Full-time players manage all day during practice and play time on the course and strive to improve their skills. The program is also the highest level of daily instruction. (8 people can apply)

2. One Point Program – Unlike one point players, this is a customized program for experienced players. (8 people can apply)

3. Practice-oriented program – This is not for the purpose of lessons, but for players who want to use the world's best practice environment and golf course. (4 people can apply)"

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